Training session one – 2x20
Training session one – 2x20
A popular training ride for working on Functional Threshold Power is a 2×20 session: two 20-minute efforts, either side of ten minutes recovery.
During the 20-minute efforts you should be riding at 100 per cent of your FTP, if using a power meter, or looking to bring your heart rate up to that level for at least the last 11 minutes, remembering there will normally be a lag. It’s here that power has its advantages over heart rate, as power is a direct representation of effort, while heart rate is a response to effort.
Gallagher says the session is for building and maintaining fitness, and one which he regular outlines for coaching clients. “It’s a good session as you’re approaching the season, and to maintain your fitness over the season,” he explains. “You are using 100 per cent of your FTP if you’re using wattage. With heart rate, you’re looking at hitting your FTP heart rate for the last half, or the last 12 minutes of the effort.
“A lot of people fall into the trap of trying to hit their FTP heart rate early in the session so in effect you’re actually going over your threshold. There’s always a lag with heart rate.”
The session
Warm up for 20 minutes, riding at zone two (endurance) with three or four quick bursts of between 30 seconds to a minute, where you ramp the cadence up to around 120rpm. “It should be done on feel, don’t set a target wattage,” Gallagher adds. “It’s important not to put a strain on the muscular system, but just open up your lungs.”
Ride for 20 minutes at FTP power, or if using a heart rate, look to build it up to your threshold heart rate after eight to ten minutes.
Ten minutes recovery (zone one).
Ride for 20 minutes at FTP power, or if using a heart rate, look to build it up to your threshold heart rate after eight to ten minutes.
Warm down for ten minutes (zone one).