Snacking helps, if done properly
Snacking on the right food can be beneficial
Champagne on the podium is hard-earned - but too much over the festive period could mean you have work to do to get in shape for summer (pic: Sirotti)
Don't go too hard, too soon when trying to lose weight and set achievable targets, Mitchell says (Pic: Team Sky)
Aim to eat foods that have a low GI as these will provide slow-release energy
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Practice retrieving and energy gel/bar from your pocket and opening it during training (Pic: CNP)
Eat too many of these over Christmas? (Pic: Ben Salter via Creative Commons)
Snacking on the right food can be beneficial
Champagne on the podium is hard-earned - but too much over the festive period could mean you have work to do to get in shape for summer (pic: Sirotti)
Snacking helps, if done properly
Cutting down, or cutting out, is difficult despite all of our best intentions at this time of year as hunger pangs strike.
The key to beating those urges, Mitchell says, is actually to keep snacking – just make sure you are snacking on the right foods and doing so in a controlled way.
“Sticking to those regular meal times is key,” he re-iterates. “I’m a big believer in snacking so, for example, you’ll have your breakfast and then a bit of fruit mid-morning.
If you don’t keep putting a little bit in the system, then you’re blood sugars will drop and that’s when you start craving those biscuits
“What you have to do is distribute those foods throughout the day rather than just having them as additions when you feel you need them.
“I find it works. It works for me and it works for the people I advise – just to have that little and often.
“If you are trying to cut down a bit and you don’t keep putting a little bit in the system then you’re blood sugars will drop and that’s when you start craving those biscuits mid-afternoon.”