The Endura Equipe cashmere sock is warm, comfortable, but slim enough to fit easily in the shoe.
We were impressed by the softness of the material and its ability to retain warmth during the recent cold snap.
On one occasion, when a heavy shower penetrated our shoe covers and shoes, the socks also suffered, but, thanks to the miraculous properties of wool, our feet remained warm.

They’ve been through the washing machine on numerous occasions in our eight-week acquaintance and have suffered no more than a slight ‘bobbling’ at the heel.
The cuff rose 10cm above the ankle, so you can be confident of not infringing any ‘rules’ on sock length.
Additionally, they proved a good match for the Equipe overshoe, the E-logo on the rear of the sock visible above the overshoe’s cuff.
More importantly, the thickness, while notably softer and more comfortable than a cotton summer sock, was not so thick that it had any detrimental impact on feel. It also fitted snugly in our magnificent Dromarti Race shoe.
Endura promised a ‘luxurious feel’ from their Equipe Cashmere Sock and we found little to disagree with. At £15.99, we’d call them an affordable luxury, too.
Website: Endura Equipe
UK distributor: Endura
Sizes: S-M, L-XL
Price: £15.99