Winter is a tough time as a cyclist. After the long, sunny days of summer (hold on, who are we kidding?), the temperature drops and the nights draws in.
Fair weather riders may have packed the bike away until spring shows itself but the foolhardy – or the foolish – will ride on, undeterred by whatever winter can throw at you.
For some of you reading this, it may be your first winter on the bike, or maybe you’re an experienced – or, rather, long-suffering – rider who knows exactly what to expect. Either way, if you’ve ever cycled through a British winter it will most definitely have left its mark on your psyche, and there are certain things any cyclist who has taken on winter will definitely recognise. Even in this relatively mild winter, if it’s not the cold that gets you, it’s the wind or rain…
From moments of fickle fate, to mechanical issues, to some of the thoughts that go through our minds when the weather turns really nasty, we’ve put together a list of 15 things anyone who has ridden through winter will recognise.