Fizik are best known for their saddles but they make some of the most desirable footwear in the cycling industry, from the race-pure R1B, worn by Team Sky’s Geraint Thomas, to the ‘entry-level’ (yet still desirable) R5s.
Considering the hype around the whole range of Fizik cycling shoes, we were keen to find out where the R4s fit into the mix – and, in truth, it’s right in the middle.
The R4s, which will see you back £159.99, don’t have a full carbon sole, instead featuring a carbon-injected sole – a sort of halfway house between your carbon R1 and R3s, and the predominantly nylon R5s. However, that middle ground strikes a great balance between stiffness and comfort for most riders. On the underside of the shoes you’ll also find heel and toe bumpers to provide some protection when walking off the bike, but these aren’t replaceable.
