We might be in Canary Wharf, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of bankers buying and selling stocks and shares, but Shane Sutton is in a relaxed mood. He leans back in his chair and chuckles during our opening pleasantries, and donned in a dark tracksuit top and jeans, the Australian cuts a much different figure to the trackside alter-ego we have become accustomed to seeing on our television screens.
“I feel a lot better after the worlds,” a relieved Sutton tells RoadCyclingUK at the launch of the Royal Bank of Canada V Series, the corporate challenge for which he is an ambassador. Returning the Great Britain team to the top of the medal table at the Track Cycling World Championships in London is evidently a weight off his shoulders. Wind back just 12 months and he oversaw a team which came back from the Vélodrome de Saint-Quentin en-Yvelines in Paris with just three silver medals. This year – an Olympic year – there may have only been one silver medal, but there were also five golds and three bronzes.