Among high-end wheel companies, Mavic are somewhat of a rarity. That is, not only do they focus on the top end of the market with wheels like the Cosmic Carbone Ultimates, they also specialise in entry-level wheelsets like the widely specced Aksiums.
And they offer quality at both ends too, not just throwing a load of cheap wheels out there for the sake of it; everything Mavic produce is comparable with the contenders in its respective class. All of which brings us to the new Ksyrium Elites.
Superficially, the first thing you’ve likely noticed is that these come with red hubs and spoke nipples. Except, of course, when they don’t. And what I mean by that is that you have three choices of hub/nipple colour, either the red we have here, and equally shiny electric blue or a classic black.
If you have a red or a blue bike, or fancy something a little different, the first two might appeal, but if old school cool is what you’re after, the classic look will suit just fine. It’s far from a deal breaker, but it is always nice to have options.
