Proving the point that thicker is not necessarily better when it comes to winter cycling socks, these ThermoCool autumn/early winter-specific items from Prendas Ciclismo are no thicker than regular summer racing socks.
They arrived for test in a package alongside a thicker pair with more obviously wintry purpose but, since the test rider’s close-fitting shoes won’t accept thicker socks without cutting circulation and defeating the object of wearing them, it was this pair that has seen action so far.
Going by their effectiveness in the current cold snap, the choice was good. They are made from a yarn called ThermoCool, which combines hollow fibres and fibres with a grooved or channelled surface to provide both effective moisture wicking and good insulation.
Worn with conventional cycling shoes under a pair of Prendas Aquatex overshoes, the end result is impressively snug and warm at low air temperatures and stays warm even when moderately wet. They haven’t yet had the kind of soaking in heavy, cold rain that tests really tests insulation but, for the current cold and damp conditions, they hit the bull’s eye.
£7.95 per pair