New from Prendas Ciclismo, purveyors of fine cycle clothing, the Waterproof Cap is essentially a sturdy version of the regular cloth road cap designed to shed water and keep the wearer warm.
The fabric is Nylon, backed with a thin layer of foam to form a surprisingly stiff material with a puffy appearance. Two small ventilation holes allow some measure of, er, ventilation, which is just as well considering the effectiveness of the hat in terms of insulation. In fact, it has probably missed this winter’s boat unless there’s a sudden relapse; the tester had to remove it after a few kms of a recent ride to avoid overheating even in steady March rain. Riders with less luxuriant head hair may take a different view.
Water penetrates the seams in small amounts but is barely noticeable, with rain running off the outside in rivulets. As a solution to the problem of keeping the head warm and dry in cold, wet weather, it scores highly. A standard cloth cap is surely better when the weather is warm…
One size, white with black logos, £7.50 or can be bought as part of the Prendas four for £25 multi saver deal.