Classic British weather can call for all kinds of clothing solutions, and no small amount of worry when trying to get your ensemble right. However, the Sportful Fiandre Light Wind Jacket has proven itself to be a great all-in-one solution to the eternal question of what to wear for your winter ride.
Go back a few years and if you wanted a water-resistant-yet-breathable-all-in-one-jersey-jacket hybrid, all you needed was to decide what size and colour you wanted your Castelli Gabba in. That’s definitely not the case anymore with a few brands out their raising their game, and Sportful have a product here that can challenge the best of them.
The Italian brand claims the Fiandre Light Wind Jacket offers the protection of its Fiandre range in its most breathable form, and after a good six weeks spent with it, it’s hard to disagree.
