It’s back! It’s back! The silliest race of all in a sport that specialises in sublime silliness has returned.
Can you feel it? Let it wash over you. Ahead of us are three intensive weeks of complete chaos at the Tour de France. Drink it in. It’s time to once again open a new browser tab and click onto the live feed of your choosing. Then, as soon as your boss is looking the other way, surreptitiously insert one headphone into your ear and instantly find yourself transported into the greatest travelling circus in the world.
Thanks to the genius decision to televise every glorious minute of the Tour this year, we can now watch from eleven in the flipping morning every day. No work is being done in July. The sooner your employer accepts that, the happier they’ll be.
With just two stages under our belts, things have already got pretty weird. Here are some of the high points thus far.
