Beat the bulge
Snacking on the right food can be beneficial
Champagne on the podium is hard-earned - but too much over the festive period could mean you have work to do to get in shape for summer (pic: Sirotti)
Don't go too hard, too soon when trying to lose weight and set achievable targets, Mitchell says (Pic: Team Sky)
Aim to eat foods that have a low GI as these will provide slow-release energy
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Practice retrieving and energy gel/bar from your pocket and opening it during training (Pic: CNP)
Eat too many of these over Christmas? (Pic: Ben Salter via Creative Commons)
Snacking on the right food can be beneficial
Champagne on the podium is hard-earned - but too much over the festive period could mean you have work to do to get in shape for summer (pic: Sirotti)
Beat the bulge
Stepping on to the bathroom scales after the festive period can be a daunting prospect, especially when you know you have enjoyed yourself – or, in other words, eaten and drank too much.
We’ve all been there, as the best intentions of staying fit through the festive season are pushed aside by the lure of cheese and wine. It’s a temptation too hard to resist and a well-earned treat at the end of the year.
But with the new year almost upon us, and targets set for a big year on the bike, it’s time to start fighting back against the Christmas bulge and working towards your summer targets.
So how do you approach your diet and nutrition at this time of year? One man who knows plenty about it is Nigel Mitchell, head of nutrition at Team Sky and British Cycling.
We caught up with Mitchell to get his advice on beating the bulge in the new year. Read on for his advice, top tips and nutrition hints.