Sleet is quite possibly the worst type of weather condition to confront the cyclist in winter, combining as it does the twin perils of cold and wet to unpleasant effect. Water conducts heat far more effectively that the trapped air that does the job of insulation in most gloves and, once it soaks into fabric and replaces the air, hands get very cold, very quickly.
Pro’s X-Pert WP glove is designed specifically to combat this miserable effect. It uses some sort of Neoprene for the upper and thumb and Digital Carbon, a rubberised, breathable textile with reflective strips and an anti-slip surface, for the palm.
As a second layer of defence, the glove has a breathable and water-resistant Hipora liner along with padding on the palm to reduce the effects of vibration. Lastly, there’s a long, close-fitting elasticated cuff to keep airflow away from the wrists.
Reasonably supple and well-proportioned so that finger and thumb tips are not crammed tight into the ends of the pockets, these gloves are described as ideal for temperature conditions between minus10degC and 5degC and, going by the way they shrugged off a sleet storm, do exactly as claimed.
£29.99 Sizes S-XXL